Hi, I'm Emily, an author coach, teacher and mentor who helps entrepreneurs find their voice, publish their books and make the difference they were meant to make.
A client once called me “a therapist for the imagination,” and something inside me screamed, “Exactly!”
My own writing adventures include publishing in literary magazines, as well as traveling the world, dashing off articles for NGOs and international publications, and most recently launching this business and self-publishing nonfiction. I've also been awarded scholarships and prizes for my short fiction.
For seven years I taught English literature at a private school in Bogotá, where I live with my husband and son. Honestly, it drove me crazy how much traditional education doesn’t serve creativity or intuition. Often we're taught the limits of what we’re allowed to imagine, rather than what’s possible.
The imagination is the beginning of everything we’re supposed to contribute to this world. The messages we’re dying to understand are hidden in the book we're meant to write. And if we allow our story to transform us, it will transform others as well. Your story matters to more than just you.
You see, the messages we’re dying to decode are hidden in the book we're meant to write. We don’t need to find what we’re searching for anywhere else. The stages of the creative process teach us what we need to know if only we can get the words out. And if we allow our story to transform us, it will transform others as well.
These days, my life is very different. I've had success in both traditional and self-publishing, but more importantly, I've learned to make the life I imagined a reality. And it did not start out that way!
For me, seeing life as a story and facing fear early on lead to big adventures. I fell in love in Colombia and started my family in a new country. Today I pursue my writing dreams in Bogotá, with my husband Mauricio and my son Martín.