5 Mindset Strategies to Double Your List (i.e. Readers!)

We all start out with one subscriber: our mom. And then we go from there.


On Facebook, this has been really fun because we’ve formed a focus group of called List Growth T & T.  That means List Growth Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we’ve been brainstorming, partnering, and taking action to grow our lists.

Several people have launched blogs, and experienced bloggers are finding opportunities for guest posts. Especially the intuitives! Join us if you’re interested.

For all you authors out there, growing your list means growing your audience, which means growing your readers and clients. That’s right, even books have a subscriber list these days. (Find out more in strategy #5). The best part is that this can be very inspiring and lucrative for writers, because it involves a lot of WRITING.

Here are the mindset strategies that have really helped me grow.

1.       Small List Pride

The fun part of starting out is that you form a personal relationship with your readers. If you have a hundred people on your list, you can get to know a hundred people, and when you do, they’re more likely to engage in comments and share your stuff. Plus, you know what they’re likely read, because you know them!

Perhaps the most important advantage of making that personal connection with your readers, is that it never feels like you have only one or twelve or a hundred subscribers. Conversations make it fulfilling, so no matter how many readers you have, it feels like a lot! So, you keep going, and when you keep going, you grow.

2.       Give to Get

When I sit down an ask myself, “How can I grow my list?” I draw a blank. Or I start thinking about SEO, get intimidated and do nothing.

However when I think “How can I help?” all of these creative ideas pop to mind. Some of them are simple, like responding to e-mails and Facebook Posts. That helps and it always leads to a more engaged audience. Some are a little bigger, like starting a challenge, or a community activity. Some become written programs that lead to opt-ins and offers.

The key is that when you think about what your current readers need, that attracts more people fast. If you continually help people you’ll never run out of ideas, and you’ll NEVER stop growing.

3.       Cross Pollinate

What’s that mean? Let me explain. For instance, I help writers. So, if I only communicate with writers who help writers with writing, I’m going to sink myself in monotony and competition. All of us writers end up getting similar e-mails over and over again.

However, if I start to mix writing with business, or energy work, or spirituality, or social justice, then I open new worlds. Not only do I find new readers, but I find new colleagues for collaboration and guest blogging. My content also became more diverse, stimulating and sharable because I’m crossing themes.

Interestingly, this happens not by promoting but responding. Start meeting people by asking questions, responding to their offers, and forming relationships. How can you relate your book or business to other areas in a way that’s compelling and innovative?

4.       Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

That’s growth, huh.

Once you start growing your list, you’ll want to create your first content, then your first guest content, then figure out Google Analytics, and MailChimp and take pictures of yourself, and video and a lot of other stuff that it would be easier to avoid.

Find a way to make it fun. You can expand your comfort zone by finding small comforts along the way.

For instance, don’t just force yourself to do your first guest blog with somebody who intimidates you. Ask a friend. If you get frustrated the first time you try to figure out Google Analytics, come back to it the second time with a nice glass of wine and some music you love. You’ll start to figure out certain habits that help you actually look forward to the stuff you don’t want to do.

5.       Create a VIRAL Opt-in

This is my favorite one because it often involves WRITING!! First, let me tell you what it is. An opt-in or lead magnet is the freebie you give away in exchange for someone’s e-mail when they first encounter your book or website. Everybody needs one.

Authors put them on the first page of their book, so that as soon as a customer opens the preview on Amazon, they are "bribed" to visit the author website where relationships are formed. It’s even better if you have a little circle or triangle in the corner of the cover that says there’s free stuff inside. Blogs and businesses have them on their website as well.

People love opt-ins that provide a fast and specific win, give a memorable experience, and are uniquely positioned in some way. You don't want it too long, because if the reader doesn't finish they may not come back for more. And you don't want to make it to short, because the reader should take something away from the experience, something unique. Does that sound like a tall order?

Don’t worry!

I’m really excited about this, especially since next week is my first week as a full-time entrepreneur. To celebrate, I’m going to do my first group coaching offer around creating opt-ins. It's a week of firsts!

The opt in group will include a one-hour group coaching session on creating a high converting opt-in with question and answers.  There will also be a focused Facebook group to help everybody follow through with headline copy, content trading and tech advice. It will be an affordable opportunity ($19.95) to perfect what you already have or create something totally new.

If you´re interested, respond to this e-mail and let me know, or join us in the Facebook group! The program will be ready to go early next week.