Empire Moms is Officially a Best-Seller for Motivational Books on Amazon


Today we're launching the book, "Empire Moms." It's is a collection of personal stories by mission-driven moms who made the leap and started running their own businesses. I've already read several of the chapters and they're so moving. I feel honored to be included.

All the proceeds for Empire Moms go to Kiva, a microcredit company that helps women all over the world launch small businesses that support their families.

My story goes back to the days when I was working late hours as a teacher, and I thought it was "the only way." One day I realized that my son had swallowed cold medicine while I was too busy to notice. That day changed everything. It also goes to show you exactly how terrified I was to leave my day job for my dream job. I really had to see how dangerous overworking was before I made the switch.

However, in the end, it was a transformative decision for everyone involved. Not only for myself and my family, but for the people I'm really dedicated to supporting, and the difference I want to make in the world.

In Empire Moms I've also included a writing exercise to help you get to the heart of your purpose and your story. And my chapter is just one of many other female entrepreneurs with so much to contribute.

Once you get the book, don't forget the Book Bonus: The Book Writing Motivation Super Pack. If you're on a mission to get your message out into the world, this will help you rewire your mindset to be unstoppable.