Don't Let Your Book Pass You By (Here's How)

Everybody, absolutely everybody thinks they’re writing too slow (whether they’re churning out a book once a month or once a decade). Nobody on earth seems to give themselves any credit, under any circumstances, for getting enough writing done.

It’s a book for God’s sake. Most people don’t get around to writing them. Thus if you’ve made it this far, you’ve already beaten the odds.

The ego is categorically at war with time. It’s going to fast, it’s going to slow, there’s never enough of it, there’s too much waiting, something bad is going to happen, not now but soon…


First let me ask, which of these tortuous time habits do you struggle with the most?

  • I put other people’s needs above my own.

  • I squeeze too much in an hour, day, week, etc. (and beat myself).

  • I expect myself to finish something that takes 20 steps in 1 step (and beat myself up).

  • I never let myself rest, and when I do, I feel terribly guilty.

The last one has been driving me CRAZY lately.

We all have subconscious beliefs that create annoying patterns in our day today, but we're in it together! Once we notice our worst time habits we can change them. It's your turn to choose. Which bullet do you want to focus on? Then ask yourself, what does the opposite look like?

  • Who could you start to talk to in order to get the time and space you need?

  • Which items on your list are the most important to you?

  • What if you gave yourself credit for starting, not just finishing?

  • What would come to the surface if you just had a little space?

Any of these shifts will make you a more creative author. So many of us are reflecting on what we want out of life right now. We’re asking, “What’s most significant?”

If you have a book in your heart, this is the moment to move forward. On Tuesday, I’ll be doing a Live writing workshop called “Ditch the Inner Critic, Switch to Your Authentic Voice.” There will also be an opportunity to get one on one feedback on your work.

I’ll be sharing tools to help you find the time to write in any situation. How to turn creative flow into a habit, almost like changing channels on the remote. It’s a practice but once you learn it’s invaluable. And finally, how to cultivate your best writing with structure, craft, and honesty.

We’re in this together! Can’t wait to see you Tuesday.